


Welcome to the WOWO bank

You are at the right place! This is where you can make your WOWO work. There are 4 options to earn moar:


Stake your WOWO on DefiPlaza
Stake your XRD on the WOWO node
Add liquidity on DefiPlaza or Ociswap
Supply WOWO on RootFinance. 

Staking $WOWO

Staking XRD

❤️‍🔥Weekly Rewards
The validator node will be set to 100% fee. That means your rewards will be 100% WOWO. Through weekly snapshots, you will get weekly WOWO rewards in your wallet. The ratio XRD/WOWO price determines how much you will get paid in a certain week.

❤️‍🔥100% buybacks
The XRD rewards will be used 100% for buybacks on the open market.

❤️‍🔥0% fee in the first 9 months!
The first 9 months the rewardsfee is 0%! After 9 months the rewardsfee will be set to 3% (February 1 2025).

❤️‍🔥Great APY thanks to the WOWO Alliance
Current APY: 10.8%. Read all about it here.

Liquidity provision

Earn more WOWO or other tokens by providing liquidity to the WOWO pool.


Visit one of our listed DEXs, add liquidity and receive rewards in return. By adding liquidity, you help to create a healthy pool of WOWO tokens and you contribute to a more stable price.


Soon we will launch an additional liquidity providing campaign so you can earn even more WOWO by adding liquidity!

Supply $WOWO on Root

$WOWO is now listed on Root Finance as a collateral. This means you can access new opportunities without selling a single $WOWO with a LTV (Loan To Value) of 20%. 


100K airdrop in the first 10 weeks!
To kickstart this awesome possibility, we will aidrop 100K $WOWO prorated amongst all WOWO providers. Soon we’ll display the APY. 


Earn Root points
You will also earn Root Points (X2) while providing $WOWO
. Root will announce soon why the points matter!👀


Tokenomics will be updated every month as we burn WOWO weekly (staking rewards). Last update: January 11 2025. 

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